Outdoor Party: Have Fun In Your Outdoor Space!
Have you ever thrown an outdoor party? When temperatures get warmer it’s always a good idea to spend some time with friends in your garden. You can enjoy the sun together, chat, listen to good music and eat some good food!
How to throw an outdoor party? Here are some advices, hope they will be useful for you!
First, organize your space
Whatever is the size of your – a small patio, a screened-in porch, or a big backyard with a pool – the right outdoor furniture will create the atmosphere. Provide everywhere lots of (lawn chairs and folding chairs), so everyone can have a sit and stay comfy.
Put them in a secure position and on a level surface, maybe near the buffet table. In this way your guests will be able to pick their food and eat quietly sitting.
Another idea? If the lawn is dry, provide some blankets: it will be nice have a pic.nic on the ground!
Food & beverages
It’s not difficult to organize a menu for your party. The important thing is to provide a big variety of food and think about those who have particular needs (vegans, celiacs…). Everyone should have something tasty to eat!
A good idea is to have a potluck. It would be fun if every guest took to the party some food they prepared for the occasion: you can share your best recipes!
Where to place food? It’s simple: have a serving table and make sure that every food is served at the right temperature. The table has to be near an electrical outlet for food warming trays. On the other hand, you can put shallow pans of ice beneath foods that need to be kept cold.
What is important, is that you’re the host, but you deserve to enjoy the party like everyone. In order to prevent you from running back and forth from the kitchen and the party, use a bar cart: it will make things easier for you and you will be more present for your guests.
Last but not least, exploit the best light
Whether you throw your party at daytime or nighttime, choose the best solution to balance shade and light.
At daytime, it’s good to stay in the sun but during the hottest hours it’s also refreshing to spend some moments in the shade. Create some corners in your garden with tents, awnings and umbrellas, your guest will appreciate.
At nighttime instead, fill your patio with outdoor furniture, string lights, candles and lanterns, in order to lighten up and allow people to enjoy the event.
Have a nice outdoor party!
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